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Lake Superior |
Many of my clients
have experienced what I commonly refer to as the monkey mind. It’s when your mind continually rehashes a
problem over and over again. Usually the
subject of these dialogues deals with something in our life that we are not
happy with. It could be a disagreement
with someone. It could be a work, financial
or health situation. Whatever it is that
incessant dialogue in your head won’t stop and the more you tell yourself not to
think about it, the more you think about it. It is called the law of resistance and that which
you resist will persist.
Here is the
reason why we find it difficult to shift our thinking process. Our minds like to be kept busy and are
continually nattering on about something from the past or projecting something
into the future. Our minds do not
operate in the present.
Here is a
simple experiment for you to try. Next time you wake up in the morning lay
there in bed for a few moments. Become aware of your thoughts. What you will discover is your mind will
search for the last thought you had before you fell asleep. The mind always returns to the vibration you
last left it at. So if you fell asleep
thinking about an argument you had with a friend, the mind will return to that
set point to begin your day. This
principle also applies to everyday situations and people. Ever went home to a family reunion and found
yourself acting in ways which were contrary to who you are today? What happened is you went back to the old vibration.
In order for
you modify a thought process you have to understand it takes 17 seconds for a
thought to create a point of attraction. When you hold that thought for 17 seconds
another thought of a similar vibration will join it. If the thinking process is
allowed to continue for 68 seconds then that train of thought becomes your
dominant vibration and attracts to you persons or situations of similar
thought. So if the thoughts you are
thinking are positive, change nothing.
If they are negative, you have to shift to another train of thoughts and
hold that thought stream for at least 68 seconds.
So how do
you shift to another train of thoughts? First you have to recognize that you
have to work at it. You can’t just do it
once and expect your life to change. The
mind is extremely stubborn and once it gets hold of something it is like a dog
chasing its tail.
Here are a
few exercises you can try.
1. Give the mind a diversion and go do
something else. Go for a walk. Pet your dog. Go to the movies. Take a nap. Search through YouTube and find something
that makes you laugh.
2. Practice mediation. If you find that your
mind will not shut up while you are trying to meditate focus on a noise in your
environment or use a chant.
3. Think a better feeling thought. Think about someone you love and all the
things you appreciate about them. Think about a beautiful sunset.
4. Write out the letters of the alphabet and
beside each letter think of a good feeling word. For example, a=appreciation,
b=best, c=charming, d=delicious...
5. Another diversion you can do is sing musical
scale or use a non-descript phrase or sound.
Next post I
show you how your beliefs affect your life.
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