Law of Prosperity states that
when one prospers, all prosper. Your
level of prosperity will be in direct proportion to your responses about
another person’s prosperity. Most people
do not understand that if you are secretly taking private pleasure in another
person’s misfortune or begrudging another person’s prosperity, you are
affecting your own possibilities of generating prosperity. Everything works on vibration. The feelings
of jealousy and resentment you harbor about another’s well-being will keep you
locked into a lower vibrational frequency of lack. Smile upon someone else’s success and good
fortune, and you are smiling upon your own.
For example, your friend gets a major job promotion and has now
increased their income into the six figures.
They call you, and excitedly tell you all about it. You are so happy for them that you are bursting
at the seams with joy. Your joy in this
other person’s success means that you will also prosper because there is a
vibrational match.
opposite happens when you are upset or envious about someone else’s prosperity. In your resentment you create a vibrational
mismatch and you will diminish your prosperity.
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